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About Us


Fornita Tsui is a veteran in public relations and media.  She founded Fornita Creations to provide management and production services. 


In 1997, Fornita partnered with Barbarian Design, which was initially set up as an event management company.  Under the guidance of renowned floral designer, Barbara Wai, the company quickly became a leading contractor and preferred service provider for wedding receptions and events at major six star hotels such as the Grand Hyatt, JW Marriott and the Regent Hotel.  In addition to event organization and floral design, Fornita and the team at Barbarian Design provided a one-stop shop from costume designs by its

in-house fashion designer to stage design and production, from planning to execution.


As Barbarian Design established its reputation in wedding planning, senior management decided to leverage its production and management expertise to explore a wider service offering.  Collaborating with its contractors, Barbarian Design started its involvement in pop concerts, initially in sponsorship and coordination.


Over the years, Barbarian Design participated in numerous pop concerts, not just in the Hong Kong Coliseum and other performing venues, but also around the Region, including Taiwan and Southeast Asia.


Expanding the production network, Fornita Creations established an entertainment business for OMI from Sept 12, 2008.  OMI was active in concert investment and Organization under Fornita’s leadership.  OMI actively organized concerts locally and in North America.  It organized a variety of productions which are not limited to pop concerts. Acclaimed productions included plays and variety shows.


With the passing of OMI’s major shareholder, OMI changed its strategic direction.  A new production company, Zhong Xing Entertainment Culture (HK) Ltd was formed on May 22, 2013 to continue concerts investment and production.  Operations continued for around a year.


Since 2015, Fornita restructured the production team, with Barbarian Design continuing in concerts production; and Fornita Creations managing artists and handling concert logistics.  Additional partners, Karman Cheng and Jeffrey Chow, joined forces to organize concerts.  This included establishing a Canadian company, Funtertainment Culture Canada in March 2015 to handle concerts in North America.  This Company is authorized by the Government to organize shows at casinos in Canada.  With the new operating structure, Fornita Creations and Barbarian Design go from strength to strength in production locally, regionally and internationally. .


資深傳媒人徐碧如小姐, 創辦采輝有限公司,提供項目管理及公關宣傳服務。有良好的實證紀錄。


徐小姐於1997年成為非凡創意合作夥伴。非凡創意由著名花藝設計師Barbara 衛太太領導,從事多元化業務,婚禮策劃、服裝設計、項目推廣、藝人宣傳、演唱會籌劃、銷售及製作等。為六星級酒店如君悅酒店、 JW 萬豪酒店和當時的麗晶酒店等提供婚禮及活動策劃;並參與推廣及宣傳;概念設計和品牌管理。




為了擴展製作網絡,采輝有限公司於2008年協助「奧美國際娛樂集團有限公司」創立一家分公司。作為一個創辦團隊成員及董事總經理,徐小姐主管策略規劃、項目管理、 營運和推廣。在香港、澳門、 南中國與加拿大舉辦的各式製作,包括熱門之表演和備受讚譽的製作。




自2015年,徐小姐重組製作團隊,夥伴非凡創意参與音樂會製作;采輝從事藝人管理和處理音樂會及事務。另外, Karman Cheng和Jeffrey Chow 成為合作夥伴,聯合籌劃及製作演唱會。這包括於2015年3月成立一家加拿大公司Funtertainment Culture Canada 來處理北美的演唱會事宜。該公司獲得政府授權在加拿大的賭場安排演出。采輝和非凡創意繼續無間合作,強化本地、 區域和國際上的業務,為客戶提供最優質及全面之服務,並為觀眾提供最佳娛樂。

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